Unless, you’ve had your head in the sand, you know that the World Cup is coming up. To us American Girls, this may not mean much besides a bunch of Brits around us going gaga, as usual, over soccer. Now, don’t tell my husband, but I find the whole back and forth for over an hour, sometimes without one measly goal being scored, a tad uninspiring, but all that changes when World Cup comes around.
This year, as luck would have it, the USA plays England for their opening matches! So get together with your favorite ex-pats and local friends, book a table at your pub and be prepared for a rowdy afternoon. Every time a big sporting event like this comes around, people are quick to become invested. Some of them even consider gambling their money. It’s highly likely that this World Cup will follow a similar trend. A lot of people will probably find a football betting site to see if they can make some money. Although we may not stand much of a chance next to all the powerhouse football nations- it’s actually pretty fun to watch, especially if you’ve gambled on the game! One of my American friends was telling me about the bets she had placed on US Sportsbooks. I’m not much of a gambler but I can totally see why she loves doing it. Although she bet that USA would win so I hope that bet loses!
If you can’t focus on the game, at least take time to appreciate the outrageous outfits and four inch Loubitons that the WAGS (that’s Wives and Girlfriends if you haven’t been here long) will undoubtedly show up in. Oh yeah, and some of the footballers aren’t too shabby looking either.
USA plays England on June 12. American Girl recommends the Cross Keys pub, our favorite. Tell us where you’ll be watching the game!
The Cross Keys Pub, Lawrence Street SW3
Cheers! xx
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