Dear lovely and faithful readers,
One of the great things about “American Girl in Chelsea” is that, not only do I get to share my favorite tips about London with you, but that you get to share them with each other in the comments section of each post.
As we all are well aware, London prep schools are a very hot topic, and I have appreciated your feedback on the Tatler’s Good Schools Guide Post. Unfortunately, yesterday I was given a cease and desist letter to remove some of the comments regarding one of the schools mentioned.
As a trained lawyer who wrote a dissertation on UK vs US libel laws, I am aware that, unfortunately, in the UK we are not afforded the same absolute rights of freedom of speech. AND, not really feeling like a lawsuit before Christmas, I have complied with the demand.
I will continue to post all relevant and helpful comments on all my posts unless they have to do with the particular school in question.

I am often envious of all of the fun you are having in London, one of my very favorite places, EVER! That said, I forget from time to time that though there is a Whole Foods on Kensington High Street or Starbucks within walking distance, one is not afforded the same freedoms as here. An interesting exercise in patience, tolerance and understanding. Brava!
For all the tsk-tsking the Brits do about America's “litigious” culture they are awfully quick to act similarly over A BLOG (or to use lawsuits to keep the names of cheating footballers out of the press). It's more than a bit rich.