Hi girls! AG in Chicago recently emailed;
Thanks for the message AG in Chicago. I actually have been meaning to do a post on this very topic, simply because I adore the two women who looked after me during pregnancy!
Dr Katrina Erskine and Dr Fredericke Eben (information below) both work out of The Portland Hospital, which is a wonderful private hospital for women and children. I started going to Dr Erskine before I was pregnant and instantly knew I would stick with her when having babies. She was extremely thoughtful and always took time to make us feel calm and answer any questions.
I had a c-section by Dr Erskine, and stayed in the Portland for several nights following. Post-operation I was looked after by her colleague, Dr Eben, who was absolutely lovely. I had also seen Dr Eben several times through-out my pregnancy when Dr Erskine was away or delivering babies.
I would highly recommend either of these two wonderful ladies for gynecology or as OBs.
Ms Katrina Erskine (020 4930 8079) and Ms Friedericke Eben (020 7 390 8089), both at The Consulting Suite, The Portland Hospital, 212-214 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5QN.
Hope that helps!

Wow… did they stock Molton Brown? That is a hospital that pays attention to detail
Also, to the AG girl in Chicago who's down about moving Chicago > London. DON'T BE. I had to come to Chicago from London and I die a little every day here (Chicago).
London is an amazing place. Like apples and oranges, London and Chicago are. It doesn't help that my entire professional network is there (London) and, as a beauty writer, there is virtually zero local work for me in Chicago! That said, I'm here for a husband too so trying not to be too grumpy about it.
However, back to London. As long as you embrace some of the local stuff (that people drink during the week, you will get stares if you do silly things like jog (in full kit) down busy high streets, fridges are smaller, don't wear your fleece or running shoes in public, etc.) it'll be an amazing experience.
Enjoy it!
The big difference with London birth vs. the US is that you have a fundamental decision to make at the beginning – NHS or private. You can have an NHS birth with midwives for free. Or you can have a private birth with midwives or with doctors (called consultants here) for lots of money (hospitals like the Portland and the private wings of Chelsea & Westminster, etc. will run you about 6,000 pounds + doctors' fees). So first figure out if your health insurance will cover maternity (most UK policies don't – so if you have the option to keep US health insurance, you definitely should).
Even though my insurance didn't cover the birth (or anything to do with maternity), I still opted for private – loved my doctor (Zoe Penn) and the hospital (private wing at Chelsea & Westminster).
It was a lovely, lovely experience – just quite expensive (ended up being about 12,000 pounds all in).
Thanks for your comment Lauren. Yes, AG's- private is very expensive!
Do any of you AGs have a good “birth story” involving NHS care?
Cheers, xx AG
Dr Craig Leitch at the Portland is terrific…
I also saw Katrina Erskine for my two births and many friends have delivered with her as well.
Well for years women have give birth to children in the bush.
NHS can’t be that bad, I’ve realised people plant ideas in your mind to think going private is the be all.
I have a sister who happens to be a Gp, her advice , NHS , if you want to make the experience even better just pay to have a private room not private treatment. There is nothing a private doctor is going to do for you that a NHS doctor can’t, except for being able to brag a bit that you coughed up £12k a minute after labour … That said I had my doctor in Chelsea Westminster under NHS and I paid to have a room not service and it was fantastic… That said I’m more than able to afford private health, but I saw no point in paying for same treatment I was offered through NHS . …. Sometimes in life … That said it’s ok to go full private but don’t do it just because someone else claims it’s the best… What you do pay for is exaggerated niceness too many hello darlings and the like…nothing more trust me.
I just moved to London. And am looking for a ob/gyn – do you still recommend them as an ob/gyn?
Thank you
Yes, or try Claire Mellon at the Portland who is also supposed to be fantastic. Good luck!