I’ve been in Los Angeles for the last month and I always come back to London on a high. Maybe it’s the constant sunshine and really good Mexican food but doesn’t a little California beach breeze just make you happy? Being on the West Coast also gives me the opportunity to dress like it’s summer, […]
{My Style} Black is the New Black
Whenever I want to feel good about myself, I wear all black. I know that sounds whacky, but even a sweatshirt and jeans in all black is still chic. I was recently asked in an interview how I would describe my style. The truth is, I have no idea. I completely dress based on my […]
{Fashion Friday/My Style} Valentine’s Day Kisses from Markus Lupfer
There’s something so easy, yet so chic about a bedazzled sweatshirt, and you can NOT go wrong with the famous Lara Stone sequined merino wool sweater from Markus Lupfer, especially around Valentine’s Day. If you want something a little lighter then you can get the same sweatshirt in cotton. For you jet-setting AG’s out there, I just […]