I don’t know about you girls, but I find October half-term the most frustrating half-term of them all. I mean, we literally JUST got back from summer break, and I’ve just booked my tickets to Los Angeles for Christmas. The kids don’t need another holiday, and there’s very few places that you can go for sunshine this time of year. Not to mention asking the Husband taking MORE time off work….
This October half-term (October 24th-28th) why not ensure that your kids have a blast, and you get a break/or can get on with your normal routine. The Sharky and George Adventure Club is here to save the day week! Every day will be full of fun games and activities for the children including boat races, nerf gun battles, design your own art masterpiece, rocket launching, science madness, games, t-shirt graffiti making and much more!
The fun will begin (and end) in Hyde Park at Will To Win, 5 South Carriage Drive, SW7 1LR. You can drop the kids off between 8:40-9 AM and pick them up between 3:40-4 PM. The half-term camp is priced at £292.50 (+VAT) for the whole week OR £65.00 (+VAT) a day. The camp is open to all children aged 5-10 years old.
To book your place at the Sharky and George Adventure Club, click here.

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