All signs are pointing to maternity leave being over very soon, and although I am now able to sleep through the night (well, does a 5AM wake-up count?), I had a little bit of a freak-out when I recently surveyed my home office. For reasons only moms will understand, I have more strollers than children, all of which are stuffed in my tiny workspace. This means that in order not to feel cramped and unorganized, I have to have my desk and surrounding area immaculate, which it hasn’t been in few months.
So I called the lovely lovely Vicky Silverthorn in a panic. You’ve heard me rave about her before, and now I am telling you about her again, because she has once again simplified my daily life.
{An inspiring home office via House & Home}
Vicky arrived with an assistant and immediately began sorting through piles and piles of paperwork, magazines, photographs, business cards, and began making sense of everything. She did tell me that I should probably think about getting a filing cabinet which will allow me to store all of my important paperwork and documents so that they will all be in one place. I do know that some businesses have decided to use a document management software like the one you can get from FileCenter, ( which allows them to access and edit all of their documents online instead of having to look through the mountains of paper in the office. I think this is a more efficient way of being able to work, and I wish I could use it too. But for the time being, I may just have to get a filing cabinet until something like this becomes available. I have seen a few filing cabinets that I really like from Office Monster, so I am probably going to buy one of those. It will make Vicky happy too! I trust her so much that I had zero qualms about her dealing with all my important documents, from birth certificates to bank statements. I just let her to it and went off to take Mini AG to swim class.
When I returned, all was right with the world. Mini AG and Mini AB’s photos and keepsakes were neatly organized into separate pink and blue memory boxes. (I can finally sit down and begin Mini AB’s baby book because everything is in one place.) All of the paperwork that I had yet to sort was neatly filed, and every single cabinet was given an overhaul so that whatever I need is super easy to find. There’s also the possibility in the future to visit Writey or similar websites in which I could find whiteboard products, that I will use for easy viewing of my schedule to tackle daily organization problems, tasks, and deadlines, etc. Oh, and she also found a number of gift certificates and discount cards that I forgot I had!
Vicky will organize and de-clutter any room in your house or office. When she leaves my home I always breathe a huge sigh of relief and feel like I’ve been given a fresh start. I can’t recommend her enough. To read more about her organization of my closet click here.
Visit You Need a Vicky to book your consultation!
[…] Well, Vicky Silverthorn- who has the amazing organizational and de-cluttering services via “You Need A Vicky” heard the cries from ladies (and gents) like me and decided to branch out and also create […]