It’s been about a week since we’ve had our new British Gas Smart Meter, and I can honestly say it’s changed the way that we use energy in the AG household. Now that I can see our daily usage, and how much it is costing us, I am more in-tune to leaving lights on when we aren’t in the room, keeping towel racks heated all night long, and keeping the heater going when no one is in the house.
Here are some other things I’ve learned to pay attention to with my new Smart Meter:
(1) If you are using a crazy amount of heat during the winter, think about double glazing your windows to keep a draft out. Not only will new double glazed windows keep the draft out, it will also help lower your energy bill too by stopping energy from escaping. I’ve been looking at arizona windows and doors and they seem like a great option. My windows are a bit old and tatty at the minute, so getting new windows seems like a great option for me. Another perk of double glazing is that it keeps outside noise outside! You can See here for more details.
(2) Only put a kettle do boil if you’re actually going to use the hot water! Boiling the kettle uses lots of electricity, which is fine if you’re going to use the water. If not, don’t boil the kettle! If you’re often making hot drinks, it might be worth investing in a low energy kettle. This is completely optional though!
(3) Don’t charge your phone overnight. Plug it in in the early evening and unplug when fully charged. It usually only takes a few hours. Charging your phone overnight is very bad for your phone too, as it kills the battery health meaning you’ll probably have battery life issues later on. Don’t leave your phone plugged in for any longer than you need to. It’s unnecessary and a waste of electricity!
(4) Plug the gaps that cause drafts in the house. This will keep your heating use down. We all know how expensive heating bills can be, so this is a simple fix to lower your heating bill cost. If you plug in any random gaps that cause drafts, the cool air won’t be able to enter your house. This is something you should really focus on doing, particularly during the winter times!
The installation process was super easy. I just made an appointment with British Gas and a really nice guy came the following week. He was super professional and showed me exactly how to work my Smart Meter.
To read more about the new British Gas Smart Meters, click here.
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