I met fellow AG Sarah Wauterlek Pierson a few months ago and immediately fell in love with her work. Sarah has started a company called “Purposeful Wanderings” where she basically plans amazing vacations for her clients, with a “purposeful” element. For her most recent venture she has teamed up with Lulubaby (the fab antenatal classes) to bring parents-to-be a weekend in Bath to relax and prepare for the arrival of their little one.
Here’s everything you need to know…
Purposeful Wanderings is working with Lulubaby and Lisa Barnwell to provide expecting Mums and Dads with an informative and relaxing retreat July 4-6, 2014. We will be traveling to the lovely Pig Hotel near Bath for a series of antenatal sessions, yoga, prenatal massage, a chance to meet other expecting parents, and time to reflect on this important change in your life!
Contact Purposeful Wanderings for more information or to book your spot!: +44 (0)7585550661 or purposefulwanderings@gmail.com
Cost includes accommodation in comfy room for two nights, delicious homemade breakfast Saturday and Sunday, 3 course dinner Saturday evening in a private room at The Pig, massage session with Lisa Barnwell, yoga, mini-photography session and a series of informative antenatal sessions throughout the weekend. (You can choose to upgrade your room for an additional fee).

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