I have been wanting to write this post for a very long time. Well since September of last year when I fist met Mathieu Clabaux. Mathieu came over to my house to do a blow-out and braided hair style for one of my fashion week shows. We immediately hit it off, and I started divulging into the then current sorry state of my hair. See, the truth is I am naturally a brunette, a dark brunette, but I’ve been dying it blonde since I was 15 years old. My mom has blonde hair and I wanted to be just like her and since that day when the first highlights have gone in, I’ve been a total and complete addict. I colour my hair every 4 weeks on the dot, and while many hairdressers have told me it’s way to high maintenance and that I should seriously consider stopping, I never did.
All of those years of dying were starting to cause me some serious problems. AND THEN one summer when I was home in L.A a guy (who will remain nameless and whom I will never forgive) actually used straight up bleach on me. My hair FRIED. After seeing different hairdressers in salons in London for over a year it wasn’t getting any better, and so when Mathieu asked me what happened, I started telling him this silly sob story of mine.
“Christy” he said in his charming French accent, “have you ever thought of having short hair?” “Absolutely not! My hair is my thing,” I answered. “Just listen for one second…” he continued to tell me that while his wondrous Le Smoothing Express treatment would work wonders on my hair, the best thing would be a nice chop. It took a little coaxing, but after a few minutes I just said “Fine LETS DO IT”. When I first looked in the mirror I thought I might cry, but then I realized, I LOVED IT, and may just keep it forever.
Mathieu put me on a bespoke program to get my hair back in perfect condition. Mathieu’s color is all ammonia free and the closest to natural that you can get for hair tint. Moreover, it’s the best blonde I think I’ve ever had. Even though his product is so good, Mathieu makes sure that he does his signature Le Smoothing treatment one week after colouring, and he always gives me a the perfect trim so my hair is now in amazing condition.
The thing about Mathieu that makes him so different is that he builds long term relationships with his clients and therefore serious positive changes for their hair. He doesn’t believe in quick fixes, and is squarely focused on your making your hair the best it can be. Mathieu doesn’t just want you to look nice for one event, he wants you to have super healthy hair 24/7. It’s fitting that his tag line is “Hairdressing 24/7” even though he means it in a “I’ll be there whenever you need me” type of way. To me it means, under his care, I know my hair will likely look great all the time.
There’s a certain level of trust that you automatically hand over to Mathieu the minute you meet him. No one else in the entire world would have been able to convince me to chop my long locks, much less make me love it so much that I want to keep it short. You will never feel rushed during an appointment, his consultations are thorough and he really makes sure you are happy with his ideas. I’m telling you girls, I will not let anyone else touch my hair when it comes to cut and colour. There is something really really special about this guy. Perhaps its the fact that a cute, tall, Frenchman and that he can talk for hours about how to perfect your hair color, style and look in the comfort of your home. Whatever it is, trust me when I say, book an appointment with him. You will not be disappointed.
Email: mathieu@mathieuclabaux.com
Makeup by Scarlett Rainer. Hair by Mathieu, obviously.

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